- 임신 37주 미만의 자발적 PTM 대부분이 아프리카
- Women who went on to experience spontaneous PTB were less likely to exhibit a vaginal microbiota dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus, as previously reported in other populations, and were more likely to exhibit an increased proportional abundance of several taxa including Sneathia amnii, Prevotella-related clades, a Lachnospiraceae taxon known as BVAB1, and a Saccharibacteria bac-terium known as TM7-H1.
- Conveniently for future possible inter-ventions, the vaginal microbiomes of mothers who experienced PTB were most distinct from those of control mothers early in pregnancy, and a preliminary model to predict risk of PTB was most sensitive and specific using vaginal microbiome profiles from samples collected before 24 weeks of gestation.