The longitudinal iHMP study, the Multi-Omic Microbiome Study
- 1,572 pregnancies = 992 + 580
- 992 - from clinics associated with the Research Alliance for Microbiome Science (RAMS) Registry, based at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Virginia,
- 580 - pregnancies from sites associated with the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) in Washington State.
- The resource features two comprehensive datasets of integrated microbiome and host functional properties measured longitudinally in pregnancy and the perinatal period
- the MOMS-PI Preterm Birth (PTB) study dataset generated from a case–control study of 45 women predominantly of African ancestry, who delivered spontaneously preterm, and 90 case-matched women who delivered at term
- the MOMS-PI Preterm Birth (PTB) study dataset generated from a case–control study of 45 women predominantly of African ancestry, who delivered spontaneously preterm, and 90 case-matched women who delivered at term
< About Data From >
- 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) taxonomic profiles from 6,452 samples from pregnant women and 2,753 samples from neonates (total 9205)
- metagenome profiles from 930 samples from pregnant women and 146 samples from neonates
- metatranscriptome profiles from 297 samples from pregnant women
- cytokine profiles from 1,223 samples from pregnant women and 173 samples from neonates
- lipid profiles from 63 samples from pregnant women